For those of you who think you cannot endure your fitness goals…

You can.

I am so very excited to say that I have finally reached fitness goal number one of running for 3 miles non-stop! Pace was a bit slow still at 13 mins 14 secs per mile but I’m still happy!

Seriously though, in mid-August when I first began I never would have thought that I would actually make it this far. But I put in the work, kept at it, exceeded my own expectations and completed goals. In the beginning I couldn’t even do a quarter mile without walking somewhere in the middle and now I’m doing 3 whole miles with no walking or slowing down. It’s amazing what our bodies can do when we push them isn’t it? I’m still about three pounds away from where I wanted to be at the end of this month but I couldn’t care less. I’m so proud of my body for building up strength and endurance and even prouder of the mindset I have gained which is allowing me to not give up on these goals.

If I can do it, so can you. Set a goal. Give yourself time. And pace yourself. Don’t give up on yourself. That’s all it takes. I hope you are all out there making awesome progress! I will do a full stats update tomorrow for you guys…maybe I’ll even include a progress picture…maybe 🙂

What are your fitness/weight loss goals?

Who just ran 2.5 miles for the first time?









I’m so excited! As you know (if you pay any attention to me) I increase my run distance by a quarter mile each week. This week I was supposed to go 2.25 miles but once I hit that I thought “what the heck, just keep going” and so I did! The park I run at has a running/biking trail that is 1.25 miles all the way around. When I saw how close I was to going around twice I just couldn’t stop!

The beginning of this run was abysmal! My legs just felt so heavy my mind set was not right so I spent the first half mile miserable. Some where after that though I started to tell myself “keep pushing” “you CAN do this!” And I found my groove. Besides tired legs after the 2 mile mark the run overall was great. I feel awesome, I feel pleased and more than anything I am just impressed with my endurance growth.

I hope you are all having a wonderful workout day! Keep up the good work and please continue to keep pushing!

Tell me, what can you do now that you weren’t able to accomplish when you first began your journey?

Rain and Sweat

Hello lovelies!

I hope everyone is having a great start to this new month! I know I am. I woke up a little later than planned (okay a lot later lol) so by the time I got up it was already raining 😦 But I didn’t let that stop me from doing my run! And I’m so glad I didn’t because today I ran 2.0 miles straight through, no breaks, no talking myself out of it! It took me 24 mins and 46 secs with an average pace of 12 mins 21 secs which wasn’t the best time BUT it is the first time I ever did that distance so I am proud! I have surprised myself so much with how dedicated I have been to getting fit. Normally I would have taken one look outside and decided to just call it a rest day. But since I’ve started changing my lifestyle it gets a little harder to pass up opportunities to workout. So there I was today at the park, all alone not a soul in sight, running. Feels so good to have gone that far, I can’t wait to go even further 🙂

Keeping up the good work!

So I went for my one mile jog today and it simultaneously felt awesome and sucky. Physically I was great, I mean my breathing did feel a little off and less natural than normal but it still came easy enough. My legs did feel the burn today but it was nothing that I couldn’t/didn’t push through. Why my jog was a bit sucky is because mentally I kept telling myself I should just take a little break, only do .5 miles then walk a little then finish the mile. So I had to keep talking myself into continuing. But I did it, I kept moving and I actually beat my time by a little over 30 secs! I came in with a pace of 11 mins and 55 seconds so I’m really happy about that. I want to get to a point where I can jog the mile in ten minutes so hopefully by the end of this week I’ll be there!

I also did my squats after my jog today, 45 for the squat sept challenge and then I did this blogilates squat challenge that had my body BURNING! I can def feel that my form is improving because let me tell you, I was feeling this lol!

Proud of my progress :)

I’m really excited about the progress I made today when I went for my jog. That’s right, my jog not wog (walk/jog) as I usually do. That’s because today I Jogged my first mile with no breaks, not a one stop or slow down at all and I didn’t feel like I was going to die! Sure about three quarters in I started to weaken mentally as my mind is not used to being so supportive of my physical endeavors for such a long time. Usually right around the half mile mark I’ve talked myself into believing I couldn’t just keep going and so I stop, walk for another half mile then jog again. Today I did not let my mind get the best of me. Each time I passed a quarter mile mark I told myself to just push. And so I did. I pushed past each marker with confidence and it felt great. For some, this does not sound like such a victory, especially those who are up to running over four miles a day, but to me this is amazing. I have never pushed myself physically. I have been overweight/obese practically my whole life. I always gave in before even completing a minute worth of jogging in the past. I didn’t believe I could do it. It hurt, I couldn’t breathe, I’d get a stitch in my side and that would be enough for me to call it quits. Not anymore, my legs burn on the hills but it’s a good burn, it tells me I’m doing something right. I’ve found my groove that allows me to breath evenly and automatically. I guess you could say I’ve learned to let my body do what it naturally does by just letting go and moving forward. And yeah I get that pain in my side every now and again, yes it hurts like h-e-double hockey sticks but I still keep going I push through it and it kinda becomes irrelevant.

I guess I say this as a reminder to myself months later when hopefully I have progressed to jogging multiple miles in one day with no breaks, that I have come a long way. That I am doing something that has made a difference in my life. And if I have not progressed I hope months later I come across this and remember the feeling I have about myself and my body and become re-motivated to get back out there. Of course I have no plans of stopping now!

To all the fitness blogs I follow, I may not speak to you guys often but know that you are all inspiring and before I go out each morning I check out your blogs for motivation. Thank you for sharing, hopefully I will be able to inspire someone one day too!