Who just ran 2.5 miles for the first time?









I’m so excited! As you know (if you pay any attention to me) I increase my run distance by a quarter mile each week. This week I was supposed to go 2.25 miles but once I hit that I thought “what the heck, just keep going” and so I did! The park I run at has a running/biking trail that is 1.25 miles all the way around. When I saw how close I was to going around twice I just couldn’t stop!

The beginning of this run was abysmal! My legs just felt so heavy my mind set was not right so I spent the first half mile miserable. Some where after that though I started to tell myself “keep pushing” “you CAN do this!” And I found my groove. Besides tired legs after the 2 mile mark the run overall was great. I feel awesome, I feel pleased and more than anything I am just impressed with my endurance growth.

I hope you are all having a wonderful workout day! Keep up the good work and please continue to keep pushing!

Tell me, what can you do now that you weren’t able to accomplish when you first began your journey?

Rain and Sweat

Hello lovelies!

I hope everyone is having a great start to this new month! I know I am. I woke up a little later than planned (okay a lot later lol) so by the time I got up it was already raining 😦 But I didn’t let that stop me from doing my run! And I’m so glad I didn’t because today I ran 2.0 miles straight through, no breaks, no talking myself out of it! It took me 24 mins and 46 secs with an average pace of 12 mins 21 secs which wasn’t the best time BUT it is the first time I ever did that distance so I am proud! I have surprised myself so much with how dedicated I have been to getting fit. Normally I would have taken one look outside and decided to just call it a rest day. But since I’ve started changing my lifestyle it gets a little harder to pass up opportunities to workout. So there I was today at the park, all alone not a soul in sight, running. Feels so good to have gone that far, I can’t wait to go even further 🙂

Getting there

Hey guys! So I got my 1.76 mile jog in today with no breaks! So excited to have gone that distance today!!! It’s the first time in my entire life that I have jogged that far and I made pretty decent time (personally) coming in at 11 min 46 secs! Next goal is to go two miles with no breaks. I KNOW I can do it and that to me is better than seeing the scale drop (although keeping this up is bound to make those numbers get smaller right?)

What are some goals you guys have set for yourselves as far as fitness goes?

Leg day!

So today was a good day! (well so far, it’s only 2:30p.m. at the moment) After suffering through yesterdays rest day I got to get back into action today. I am really getting addicted to working out daily so yesterday I actually felt a little off because I wasn’t being so active. But I understand the importance of letting your muscles and body rest and so I didn’t do anything other than my 95 squats for squat sept. Today on the other hand was a new day, Leg day to be exact. Check out what I got done!

5 reps 20 Leg presses 60lbs (see that 10lb increase from last leg day!)

5 reps 20 calf presses 60lbs

5 reps 10 lunges

5 reps 20 squats (1/2 regular 1/2 plies)

5 reps 20 jumping jacks (First time doing JJ in like 2 years, I actually like them!)

1 rep 30 sec wall sit (FAIL)

2 reps 1 min wall sit (BETTER)

2.5 mile walk/jog intervals (preparing for monday’s long jog of 1.5 miles no breaks!)

look at that glisten! I feel so much happier having gotten some movement in today. Wish I had time to do more but I have to get ready for work.

How did your workout go today?

Check out my fitness blog PoundsOnPavement!

Hump Day Haiku

Welcome back to Hump Day Haiku! In lieu of me working out and exercising more lately I wrote this as a little reminder to never listen to my head when it tells me something I am doing is too hard!

Hope you guys can relate, and remember your body is capable of so much more than you give it credit for. I’ve told myself on more than one occasion that I couldn’t complete something or even start it and then my desire (my heart) has compelled me to keep pushing and my body was able to keep going. It will hurt, you will want to quit but don’t. Pain today, well it’ll still be pain tomorrow but it will also be progress!

Let me know what you think of this weeks Hump day haiku in the comments below or on my twitter @talichaj #HDH